1. Clean Brushes While good brushes can make your makeup look professional and perfect, they can also collect grease and grime like nobody's business. To keep reaping their benefits without any bacteria backlash, give them a good wash every fortnight - or every week for concealer or foundation brushes. Better still; treat yourself to a new set of professional-quality brushes for a fresh new start. Fragrance Direct have the tools for every step of your routine, from base to brows to blending.
2. Cleansing. Really, really well' Nothing beats a good cleanse for getting your glow back (or giving you the glow you never knew you had) so get your hands on a cleansing product that has the power to remove every last trace of makeup, while being gentle enough to suit your skin's needs. To really see a difference, massage your cleanser into your skin to loosen your makeup before using a hot dampened flannel to buff it off - along with the grime! Give the flannel a good rinse and then repeat if you think there might be a trace of foundation left.
3. ...And I'll cleanse every single night. (Even after that party or staying up late rinsing my Netflix subscription) Don't take your makeup off and sebum, dirt and sweat will clog your pores leaving you dull-skinned the next day and possibly spotty, itchy and blotchy in the long-term. Need we say more?
4. Update your makeup look to suit your skin type, hair colour and my beauty needs as they are right now When you find a makeup look that works for you, you'll want to stick with it. But what if something else could work better? And what if the look that you've loved all this time no longer loves you back - whether that's down to aging skin, a change in your style or a change in your skin's behaviour? It's time to take an objective look at your makeup bag, preferably with an honest and trustworthy friend in tow - and clear out everything that dates your look.
5. Try Something New... Now we've done the 'out with the old' part, it's time for something fresh, fun, shiny and brand spanking new. Treat yourself to a few new, on-trend picks that you think you might like, and don't be scared to be a bit daring - let's greet 2015 in style! Our advice is to keep up to date with the latest makeup trends (don't worry, the Fragrance Direct blog will help you do just that!) and give a few new things a try. Whether you take a chance on cream blusher instead of powder, BB cream instead of full-coverage foundation, or matte lipstick instead of gloss, there are always new and exciting things to try, and you won't know which product might be your dream beauty buy until you give it a whirl!
6. Use skincare products religiously! You've invested in that beautifying serum or anti-aging cream, now it's time to make sure you get the most from it. Applying it here and there, every now and then simply won't cut it; you need to use it daily to see results, and stick with it for at least two months before you measure its success.
7. Drink more water! We know you know, so let's get sipping for better skin!
8. Wear SPF every single day! Sun damage can happen even when it's cloudy out, so reach for that SPF 15 daily until the sun starts shining, then up your game with a higher factor - depending on the weather where you are.
9. I will not wash my hair every day... Sorry, haven't you been introduced? This is Dry Shampoo, the second-day hair saviour. Let this wonder product refresh your locks and add volume and texture instead of rinsing away your hair's natural (and beneficial) oils day in, day out. Try only shampooing your hair every two or three days to give your scalp and your strands a break.
10. Always use a basecoat and topcoat on your nails A base coat stops colour staining while a top coat seals the nail polish for a long-lasting, salon-worthy finish - the perfect excuse to get your boyfriend to do everything for you for an extra fifteen minutes, we feel.
What are your beauty resolutions for 2015? Let us know in the comments below...